Saturday 24 October 2015

Top 5 Habits to Cure Insomnia

Top 5 Habits to Cure Insomnia

Insomnia can be really disturbing when it hits you. The inability to sleep at due time and at a good number of hours can be really upsetting and in turn, affect our daily life. What people are not aware of is that insomnia is usually as a result of their daily habits in which when curbed, can help cure it.

Photo Credit: pristine

Here are the best ways you can help yourself stop insomnia.

No to Coffee

Okay cool your beans, we aren't telling you to quit taking coffee altogether, but that you should set yourself a time of when to stop taking caffien.

It is advisable to stop taking caffeine after noon. It has been discovered in a study that 25% of the stimulants from caffeine still remains even after 7 hours, which will in turn distort your sleeping, and also bring about night time urination.

Easy on the Late Night Alcohol

This is mainly for the ladies as it has been seen that men sleeps soundly when they are drunk as well as sober. Women sleep less and woke up more often when they go to sleep tipsy.

Turn off your Phone

The phone as well as laptop can deprive you of sleep, the blue wavelengths produced by your smartphone and other gadgets (and energy-efficient LED light bulbs) significantly suppress the production of melatonin, the hormone that makes you sleepy, according to University of Basel research.

Avoid doing other activity on your bed

The bed should always be a sleeping area and not where you do other activities like office work. If you do other activities on your bed often, then soon enough, it will not be seen as that place of rest, making you simply uncomfortableuncomfortable for sleep.


Do not underestimate the power of meditation. Meditation is a key to help you sleep well as it helps the body system relax and regenerate after a hard day of work. Try meditating on your bed by resting on your back, closing your eyes and then clear your mind; you would be sleeping deeply before you know it.

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