Wednesday 7 October 2015


Its a good thing to be great but do we just become great? No!
Yes,some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them, but in all greatness is maintained.

That you are not born great doesn't mean you cant be great and that you have little things doesn't mean you cant make them great.
Great things are done by a series of small things brought together and many have achieved greatness by bringing little things together; whereas many have so worked that greatness now thrusts itself on them.
The greatest accomplishment is not in never falling, but in falling and rising.
In order to be great and stay great, fight procrastination as the greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one though over the other.
Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events ;small minds discuss people.  What do you discuss?
To become great ,you have to stand with people and  not above them.

To be yourself in a world that is stably trying to make you something else is the greatest achievement, so be you and work towards greatness.

Just like Napoleon Hill would say "If you can not do great things, do small things in great ways".
Yea! Go and Do Something Great Today.

This article was achieved in compilation of mine and different historian quotes.

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