Friday 30 October 2015


Oct. 30, 2015
epicedium\ep-uh-SEE-dee-uhm, -si-DAHY-uh m \noun
1. a funeral song; dirge.
QuotesPerforming The Queen’s Epicedium, an ornate funeral lament, Bostridge seemed to sing from his gut as he let the sliding melodies move his body in a kind of visceral dance.
-- Sophia Vastek, "Bostridge and friends deliver a memorable evening of Britten’s music," New York Classical Review, October 21, 2013OriginEpicedium entered English in the late 1500s. It stems from the Greek word epikḗdeion, the noun form of an adjective meaning "of a funeral."

Pancake Shawarma

Dianne who is known for preparing different delicacies today will be showing us the pancake Shawarma, Yes you read that correctly  this is just not pancake but she tagged hers pancake shawarma. This is how Dianne made her Pancake Shawarma 


Pinch of salt
Peak milk
2 Eggs
Groundnut oil
Warm water

For the sauce ( Veggies)
Green Beans
Green pepper


Mix flour, sugar, pinch of salt, peak milk together in a bowl,‎ break in 2 eggs, add warm water and mix well.

•Fry in bits with little groundnut oil in a well oiled and non-stick pan

For the sauce:

•Dice the veggies(carrot, Green beans, bacon, sausage, onions, tomatoes, green pepper ‎and fry

•Then add it to the pancake and wrap it up… 

Pancake Shawarma Recipe Submitted By Dianne

Thursday 29 October 2015

How You Can Manage Excessive Sweating

Excessive sweating which is also known as hyperhidrosis  is a medical condition. It may be localized i.e restricted to the underarms, palms, feet or face. It may also be generalized. We can define it as a condition in which you are producing a lot of sweat when the ambient temperature is not high. Sweating can be embarrassing, it will stain our clothing, and it affects our business and social interactions.

Severe cases can have serious practical consequences, like making it difficult to hold a pen, grip a steering wheel, or shake hands.  Sweating is actually healthy, our bodies need to sweat so as to pass out some wastes from our body. One should sweat when one is exercising, nervous or in a hot environment. But if you find yourself sweating when everybody is not and you are in a conducive environment and state then you have this condition.

Causes of Excessive Sweating

The cause of primary hyperhidrosis is unknown. There are several things that may be the cause of excessive sweating but I will just enumerate the common and very basic ones.

Heart disease
Fever of undetermined cause
Anxiety Disorder
Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid)
Medications, such as some beta blockers and tricyclic antidepressants

Management of Excessive Sweating

Do not be anxious

Stress and anxiety instantly triggers the sweat glands.  We need to learn that we don’t need to be anxious at all. Stay calm at all times.

Apply a strong Antiperspirant

Apply a strong antiperspirant in the morning after taking your cold bath. Do this before you sleep also.

Reduce your weight.

The common fact is that most of the people who suffer from hyperhidrosis are overweight. Shedding that extra weight  increases your chances of dealing with excess body sweat. This is probably the most important tip.

Manage your caffeine intake

I know majority of you know caffeine, it is found in coffee and cola drinks. Caffeine can create anxiety which, in return, triggers the body to sweat.

Have a cold shower

If you are opportuned to be at a place where you have bathroom privileges, take a long cold shower it helps in calming you down.

Drink a lot of water

This still cannot be over-emphasized, Hydration keeps body temperatures low and therefore less sweat will be produced. Water is vital to life. It effectively flushes out excess minerals and pushes out all toxins and waste products. Like I always recommend drink six to eight glasses of water everyday.

 Stay away from hot drinks.

When it comes to excessive sweating, hot beverages (especially coffee) are your worst enemy. Imagine the effect they give if you are just about to go for an important meeting or make a presentation. Try going for fresh-squeezed juice, lemonade, or iced-beverages to regulate your temperature.

Boil tea bags, then soak your hands and feet in them.

I saw this online and can’t explain whether it works, it’s actually an home remedy that will help to control your excessive armpit sweating.

Rub your underarm with wool pads 

The wool pads should be soaked in a mixture of baking soda and lemon juice. It is a very good antiperspirant.

Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs

This is an absolute no-brainer. These chemicals make it harder for the body to control sweating because they cause a delay in blood circulation. So stop using them.

 More Tips on How to Reduce Sweating

Some cold water for the road.

There’s no better cold drink than water, especially on a hot day. Cold water is essential to reduce stress, regulate body temperature and keep those sweat glands under control. Make sure you always have a bottle or canteen with you, especially while mobile or traveling.

Avoid nylons and polyesters. Wear natural fibers.

Cotton and wool are preferable in helping the skin “breathe.” They provide ample space around the armpit area which allow for evaporation and free flow of air. Also make sure your clothes are not too tight, water loose fitting clothes.

Wear undershirts.

Make sure you wear your singlets, High quality undershirts made of cotton or just a T-shirt will help absorb body sweat and make it evaporate fast.

Keep your head cool.

When exposed to the sun for long periods of time, a hat and shades will come in handy. Sunglasses help protect your eyes from extremely bright conditions and harmful ultraviolet rays. Opt for sunglasses with polarized lenses and reflective coating. A hat protects the head from heating and sunstroke.

 Arrive early

Avoid rushing to work, important appointments, meetings or even that dinner date. Make it a habit to always leave early. By arriving well ahead of time, your stress and anxiety levels are low. Moreover, your exercise level is reduced and the extra time will help you cool down. You could even use the free time to drink cold water.

Shave those underarms and groin areas

Shaving is one of the most effective natural methods to overcoming excessive sweating. The reason is simple: Accumulation of sweat tends to occur around the hairs. As a result, bacteria will soon start feeding on them with great vigor. In no time, the underarms will emit an unpleasant odor, due to the toxins discharged by the bacteria.

Please note that if none of these tips helped you to stop your excessive sweating, consult your doctor because you might need medical help.

Stay Healthy!!!

Posted via Blogaway

Pic of the day

Did you do this or you know someone who did this?😂😂😂

Tuesday 27 October 2015

Meet The Top 5 Animals That Can Regrow Their Body Parts  

When you were a kid you might have had the trauma-thrill of thinking you killed a lizard only to move close and find nothing but its wriggling tail. Some lizards and other animals can lose their body parts, but are masterful at regenerating them—a feat we humans are sadly less capable of doing, not forgetting that this subject has been experimented upon severally till date.

Listed below is a roundup of some of nature’s great regenerators in no particular order;


You may recognize this face as the poster animal of this blog, but the Mexican axolotl hasn’t been spoiled by fame. This hard worker not only can make copies like Xerox—regenerating a missing limb; tail; and parts of their brain, heart, and lower jaw—but it’s a favourite study specimen among scientists.

James Monaghan, a biologist at Boston’s North-eastern University, began studying axolotls during a grad school project and stuck with them since. “If they’re paralysed in the back they can recover the functions of their legs … They can make all new neurons and new connections that allow them to use their legs again, which is really one of the most incredible examples of recovery.”



If you read Thidwick, the Big-Hearted Moose as a child, you were amazed that an animal could just chuck and regrow those huge antlers on a regular basis.  Antlers growing back “are one of the most extreme examples of regeneration out there,” Monaghan said. A deer can regrow 60 pounds (27 kilograms) in as little as three months.

“We’re finding out that mammals have the ability to regenerate more than we appreciated before,” Monaghan said. Rabbits can regenerate parts of their ear lobes, bats can regenerate parts of their wings, and spiny mice can quickly regenerate skin and repair holes in their own ears, he noted.


Sea Squirt/Tunicate

This little squirt could be responsible for some big insight into regeneration.

The sea squirt, also called a tunicate, reproduces in two ways: Solitary types produce sexually, and colonial sea squirts can reproduce both sexually or asexually by budding off one another.

Otto Guedelhoefer, a researcher at University of California, Santa Barbara, said via email that asexual members of a colony share a circulatory system and are capable of whole body regeneration.

You wouldn’t guess it to look at them, but sea squirts are also surprisingly similar to us genetically. An international team of scientists recently sequenced the genome of the tunicate Botryllus schlosseri and found that 77 percent of our genes were present, offering hope for regenerative medicines in people.

For Guedelhoefer, a real area of intrigue is why tunicates’ regenerative abilities slow down with age, making them a potential platform for studying aging in animals—including us.


Starfish (Sea Star)

From Bikini Bottom to Fifth Avenue, everyone loves a starfish. These five-limbed creatures also have the ability to regenerate their arms and sometimes their whole bodies. Even if the critter is down to one arm, as long as it has its central nerve ring intact, it can grow into an entirely new starfish.

The starfish, you see, which isn’t actually a fish but an echinoderm—cousin to the equally spiny sea urchin, sand dollar, and sea cucumber—so marine scientists are trying to get the name sea star to catch on as its new moniker. It can regenerate and also can probably manage to rebrand.



It has been observed for centuries that if you cut a worm in half it will regenerate to become two worms. Biologist Thomas Hunt Morgan illustrated the regenerative powers of the planarian worm in a 1901 book but despaired of ever understanding regeneration. How blown away he would have been by what’s available to scientists today.

“That’s what’s exciting,” Monaghan said. “We’re getting the molecular tools to ask what genes are regulating these regenerating phenomena.”

And planarians are still a star subject. In 2011, MIT researchers transplanted a special cell into a dying, irradiated planarian and the animal was able to fully regenerate. This year, researchers at the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics in Germany found a molecular switch in a flatworm that enabled it to grow a new head. Also this year, scientists at Tufts University showed that a decapitated planarian will not only regrow a new head, it will retain learned information as well as planarians that never lost their heads.

Posted via Blogaway

Saturday 24 October 2015

The Most Beautiful Girl in Nigeria MBGN 2015 is Unoaku Anyadike

It was a hotly contested battle but in the end, Miss Anambra – Unoaku Anyadike emerged as the winner of the Most Beautiful Girl in Nigeria 2015 pageant.
She is officially MBGN World 2015 and will represent Nigeria at the Miss World pageant.

About the Queen
Name: Unoaku Anyadike
Date of Birth: 16th September 1994
Occupation: Final year psychology student at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria.

See all the winners below and let us know your thoughts!

Top 5
Miss Anambra – Unoaku Anyadike – WINNER – MBGN World 2015

Miss Ebonyi – Debbie Collins – MBGN Universe 2015 (1st Runner Up)

Miss Abuja – Chizoba Ejike – MBGN Tourism 2015 (2nd Runner Up)

Miss Bauchi – Chikaodili Nna-Udosen –MBGN ECOWAS 2015 (3rd Runner Up)

Miss Edo – Cynthia Sapara – 4th Runner Up

Top 15
Miss Katsina
Miss Kano
Miss Nasarawa
Miss Delta
Miss Zamfara
Miss Benue
Miss Cross River
Miss Ebonyi
Miss Ekiti
Miss Borno
Miss Osun
Miss Abuja
Miss Bauchi
Miss Edo
Miss Anambra

Best Evening Wear – Miss Katsina

Miss Amity – Miss Yobe

Top Model – Miss Borno

Best Traditional – Miss Niger

Miss Photogenic – Miss Gombe

Source:   Bellanaija

Meet The Lady With The Longest Legs In America (Photos)

Her name is Holly Butt, she's a 20-year-old design student from Florida, USA and she says she has the longest legs in the US which measures a whopping 49.5inches. She beats current record holder - model Lauren Williams - who has 49 inch pins.

Holly, who used to get bullied for her height, says things are different for her now after she moved to New York, as men can’t get enough of her statuesque figure. She says she wants to be a model. See her photos after the cut..

Top 5 Habits to Cure Insomnia

Top 5 Habits to Cure Insomnia

Insomnia can be really disturbing when it hits you. The inability to sleep at due time and at a good number of hours can be really upsetting and in turn, affect our daily life. What people are not aware of is that insomnia is usually as a result of their daily habits in which when curbed, can help cure it.

Photo Credit: pristine

Here are the best ways you can help yourself stop insomnia.

No to Coffee

Okay cool your beans, we aren't telling you to quit taking coffee altogether, but that you should set yourself a time of when to stop taking caffien.

It is advisable to stop taking caffeine after noon. It has been discovered in a study that 25% of the stimulants from caffeine still remains even after 7 hours, which will in turn distort your sleeping, and also bring about night time urination.

Easy on the Late Night Alcohol

This is mainly for the ladies as it has been seen that men sleeps soundly when they are drunk as well as sober. Women sleep less and woke up more often when they go to sleep tipsy.

Turn off your Phone

The phone as well as laptop can deprive you of sleep, the blue wavelengths produced by your smartphone and other gadgets (and energy-efficient LED light bulbs) significantly suppress the production of melatonin, the hormone that makes you sleepy, according to University of Basel research.

Avoid doing other activity on your bed

The bed should always be a sleeping area and not where you do other activities like office work. If you do other activities on your bed often, then soon enough, it will not be seen as that place of rest, making you simply uncomfortableuncomfortable for sleep.


Do not underestimate the power of meditation. Meditation is a key to help you sleep well as it helps the body system relax and regenerate after a hard day of work. Try meditating on your bed by resting on your back, closing your eyes and then clear your mind; you would be sleeping deeply before you know it.